In September 2020, Heart Up! was 1 of 52 studies selected for the National Institutes of Health's Behavioral and Social Sciences supplement. This supplement provides additional funding for Heart Up! researchers to collect additional information at two extra time points, evaluate the impact of the study by comparing participants enrolled before COVID-19 pandemic shelter-in-place and those who enrolled after.

The NIH funds support the addition of the following two COVID-19-related questionnaires for patients:

The MESA COVID-19 Questionnaire, which includes items related to COVID-19 symptoms, diagnosis, testing and social distancing.

The Coronavirus Impact Scale, which measures the impact of the pandemic on routine, income and employment, access to food, medical and mental health care, and extended family, and stress.

Overall, participants have been enthusiastic about contributing to the COVID-19 research. More information on this supplement can be found in the links below.