
Heart Up! Study

Goodyke, M. P., Bronas, U. G., Baynard, T., Tintle, N., DeVon, H. A., Collins, E., & Dunn, S. L. (2024). Relationships Among Heart Rate Variability, Perceived Social Support, and Hopelessness in Adults With Ischemic Heart Disease. Journal of the American Heart Association, e032759.

DeVon, H. A., Tintle, N., Bronas, U. G., Mirzaei, S., Rivera, E., Gutierrez-Kapheim, M., Alonso, W. W., Keteyian, S. J., Goodyke, M., & Dunn, S. L. (2023). Comorbidities are associated with state hopelessness in adults with ischemic heart disease. Heart & lung : the journal of critical care, 60, 28–34.

Luong, A., Goodyke, M., Dunn, S. L., Baynard, T., & Bronas, U. (2021). ActiGraph and Short-term Heart Rate Variability Study Protocol: Amended for the COVID-19 Pandemic. Journal of Cardiovascular Nursing, 10.1097/JCN.0000000000000817. Advance online publication. doi:10.1097/JCN.0000000000000817

Dunn, S. L., Robbins, L., Tintle, N. L., Collins, E. G., Bronas, U. G., Goodyke, M. P., Luong, A., Gutierrez-Kapheim, M., & DeVon, H. A. (2021). Heart Up! RCT protocol to increase physical activity in cardiac patients who report hopelessness: Amended for the COVID-19 pandemic. Research in Nursing and Health, 44(2), 279-294. doi:10.1002/nur.22106. PMID: 33428224.

Dunn, S. L., DeVon, H. A., Collins, E. G., Luong, A. T., Buursma, M., Gutierrez-Kapheim, M., & Bronas, U. B. (2020). Suicide risk management protocol for a randomized controlled trial of cardiac patients reporting hopelessness. Nursing Research. doi: 10.1097/NNR.0000000000000474. Epub ahead of print. PMID: 32956255.

Heart Up! Pilot Study

Dunn, S. L., DeVon, H. A., Buursma, M. P., Boven, E., & Tintle, N. L. (2020). Reliability and Validity of the State-Trait Hopelessness Scale in Patients With Heart Disease and Moderate to Severe Hopelessness. Journal of Cardiovascular Nursing, 35(2), 126-130. doi: 10.1097/jcn.0000000000000647

Buursma, M., Tintle, N. L., Boven, E., DeVon, H. A., & Dunn, S. L. (2020). Perceived social support in ischemic heart disease patients who report hopelessness: A pilot study. Archives of Psychiatric Nursing, 34, 14-16. doi: 10.1016/j.apnu.2019.12.001

Dunn, S. L., Robbins, L. B., Smith, S. W., Ranganathan, R., DeVon, H. A., Collins, E. G., ... & Tintle, N. L. (2019). Enhancing physical activity in cardiac patients who report hopelessness: Feasibility testing of an intervention. Health Education Journal, 78(2), 226-237. doi: 10.1016/j.apnu.2019.12.001

Conference Presentations (National and International)

Alotaibi, M., Cajita, M. I., Tintle, N., Luong, A., Goodyke, M., Rivera, S. E., ... & Dunn, S. L. (2023). Increased Physical Activity and Higher Perceived Social Support Are Associated With Improved Quality of Life in Patients With Heart Disease Reporting Hopelessness. Circulation, 148(Suppl_1), A12755-A12755

Goodyke, M., Bronas, U. G., Baynard, T., Tintle, N., Devon, H. A., Collins, E. G., & Dunn, S. L. (2023). Decreased Perceived Social Support and Heart Rate Variability Are Associated With Hopelessness in Patients With Ischemic Heart Disease. Circulation, 148(Suppl_1), A14007-A14007

Dunn, S.L., Tintle, N.L., Gutierrez-Kapheim, M., Rivera, E., Alonso, W.W., Keteyian, S.J., & DeVon, H.A. (2022, November). Comorbidity score is positively associated with hopelessness in adults with ischemic heart disease. American Heart Association Scientific Sessions, Chicago, IL.

Goodyke, M.P., Tintle, N.L., Baynard, T., Bronas, U.G., & Dunn, S.L. (2022, November). Decreased heart rate variability associated with hopelessness in patients with ischemic heart disease. American Heart Association Scientific Sessions, Chicago, IL.

Dunn, S. L. (2022, April). Increased hopelessness and anxiety associated with adverse impact of COVID-19 on cardiac patients’ lives: Early findings. National Institute of Health Social, Behavioral, and Economic (SBE) Health Impacts of COVID-19 Spring Webinar.

Dunn, S. L., Luong, A., Goodyke, M. P., Burke, L. A., & Gutierrez-Kapheim, M. (2021, March). Suicidal ideation in ischemic heart disease patients who report hopelessness during enrollment into a randomized controlled trial. Podium presentation. Midwest Nursing Research Society 45th Annual Nursing Conference, Des Moines, Iowa (virtual).

Dunn, S. L. (2020, November). Heart Up! An NIH-funded RCT. Podium presentation, by invitation. American Heart Association Scientific Sessions 2020, Dallas TX. Circulation. In press.

Dunn, S. L., Buursma, M., DeVon, H., & Tintle, N. (2019, October). Measuring physical activity in hopeless cardiac patients. Poster presented at Council for the Advancement of Nursing Science (CANS) 2019 Advanced Methods Conference: The Expanding Science of Sensor Technology in Research, Washington, D.C.

Dunn, S. L., DeVon, H. A., Buursma, M. P., Boven, E. G., Munson, B. D., & Tintle, N. L. (2018, November). Demonstration of reliability and validity of the State-Trait Hopelessness Scale in patients with ischemic heart disease. Poster session presented at the American Heart Association Scientific Sessions 2018, Chicago, Il. Circulation Suppl.

Buursma, M., Tintle, N. L., & Dunn, S. L. (2018, September). Perceived social support in hopeless cardiac patients. 2018 State of the Science Congress on Nursing Research- Precision Health, Washington D.C.

Dunn, S. L., DeVon, H. A., & Tintle, N. L. (2018, September). Well-being of cardiac patients who report hopelessness. Podium presentation. 2018 State of the Science Congress on Nursing Research- Precision Health, Washington D.C.

Dunn, S. L., DeVon, H. A., & Tintle, N. L. (2018, July). Improving hope in hopeless patients with ischemic heart disease. Podium presentation. Sigma Theta Tau International 2018 Research Congress, Melbourne, Australia.

Dunn, S. L., Robbins, L. B., Smith, S. W., Ranganathan, R., DeVon, H. A., Schafer, J. A., & Tintle, N. L. (2017, November). Improving physical activity and decreasing hopelessness in patients with ischemic heart disease: Testing of the Heart Up! intervention. Podium presentation. American Heart Association Scientific Sessions 2017, Anaheim, California. Circulation Suppl.

Dunn, S. L., Robbins, L. B., Smith, S. W., Ranganathan, R., DeVon, H. A., Collins, E G., Hong, H. G., & Tintle, N. L. (2017, October). Feasibility of an RCT to reduce hopelessness with exercise. E-poster session presented at the Council for the Advancement of Nursing Science (CANS) 2017 Advanced Methods Conference: Pragmatic Trials. Washington D. C.

Invited Presentations (Regional)

Dunn, S. L. (2021, April). Heart Up! Increasing Physical Activity in Heart Disease Patients Who Report Hopelessness: A COVID-19 Compatible Intervention. University of Illinois Chicago East & West Faculty Research Mixer.

Dunn, S. L. (2020, December). Heart Up! An NIH-funded Study of Hopelessness and Heart Disease- Transformed for COVID-19. Cardiovascular Health Clinical Practice Council, Spectrum Health, Grand Rapids, MI.

Dunn, S. L. (2020, October). Increasing physical activity in ischemic heart disease patients who report hopelessness: A COVID-19 compatible intervention. University of Illinois Chicago, Division of Academic Internal Medicine, AIM Research in Practice Seminar. Chicago, IL.

Dunn, S. L. (2020, October). A motivational intervention to increase physical activity in heart disease patients who report hopelessness. University of Illinois Chicago, Division of Academic Internal Medicine, Lifestyle Research Collaboratory. Chicago, IL.

Dunn, S. L. (2020, October). Heart Up! A motivational intervention to increase physical activity in heart disease patients who report hopelessness. University of Illinois Chicago, College of Nursing Alumni Reunion Event. Chicago, IL.

Dunn, S. L. (2020, April). Heart Up! A motivational intervention to increase physical activity in heart disease patients who report hopelessness. Calvin University Department of Nursing Spring 2020 Seminar Series. Calvin University, Grand Rapids, MI.

Dunn, S. L. (2019, December). Heart Up! An NIH-funded Study of Hopelessness and Heart Disease. Cardiovascular Health Clinical Practice Council, Grand Rapids, MI.